Paper Positivity

The Monarchs for Social Justice club hold a paper drive to support those in need.

Owen Sumter

The Monarchs for Social Justice hung up posters around the school to advertise the paper drive.

Most things in people’s lives are taken for granted while they are there: food, clothes, water, shelter. But once they are taken away, they are dearly missed. Some items are hardly even thought about, but leave a deep impact when they’re gone. 

The Monarchs for Social Justice club is holding a paper drive this week to get toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, and tissues for donation. 

Homeless shelters get tons of donations from charitable people and organizations throughout the year, generally getting clothes, toys, and books. However, some daily necessities are hardly given. 

“They don’t get a lot of donations for this type of thing,” Monarchs for Social Justice sponsor Diane Halligan said. “Normally people donate blankets and clothes and this type of stuff is forgotten.” 

There are many homeless shelters throughout Omaha that provide care, and they are all good establishments to donate to. This paper drive will specifically be “getting paper goods and feminine products for the Siena [Francis] house,” Halligan said. 

The Siena Francis house, located at 1702 Nicholas Street, Omaha, has been a staple in helping the homeless since 1975. They have evolved into a multi-shelter and food pantry for those in need. The Monarchs for Social Justice have partnered with them in order to better the community. 

“We’ve [also] done No Place for Hate,” Halligan said. “We’ve worked with the GSA on other projects.” 

Donating a few rolls of toilet paper, a box of Kleenex, or a box of tampons sound like nothing, but to those in need, they are life changers. Consider donating a few items to support not only our school and the Monarchs for Social Justice, but the Omaha community.