Signing up for your Future

Sophomore Christian Mundt and Junior Alexandra Ferguson navigate through registration and make tough schedule decisions.

Photo Illustration by Courtney Withers.

With January registration always arriving sooner than expected, selecting next year’s courses at an expedited rate and finalizing a schedule is no easy task. High school is all about finding out what subjects pique your interest, but choosing the right classes can be difficult. 

As the deadline for registration comes to a close, Sophomore Christian Mundt and Junior Alexandra Ferguson offer insight into their experience and commentate on the importance of this schedule-making process. 

Despite the vast array of mandatory courses, there are plenty of opportunities to select classes that pertain to your interests or career goals. Ferguson dreams of a culinary-oriented career and our school offers great college jump-start options.

“I plan on doing a culinary program at MCC,” Ferguson said. “ I feel like that is gonna take up a majority of my time but I’m very excited.” 

Much like Ferguson, Mundt has career passions of his own that involve possibly becoming a physical therapist. 

“I missed the Health Academy deadline so I’m just focusing on maintaining a high GPA,” Mundt said. “PT school is very difficult to get into so I have to stay motivated.”

Along with job-specific classes, AP courses are also offered for several different subjects. These classes can provide college credit, boost GPA, and prepare students for the rigor of college.

”I think they [AP courses] will better prepare me for what college courses will be like in the future,” Mundt said.

While guidance counselors try to make registration as easy as possible, that does not mean the process is without fault. With a myriad of options and minimal insight into what a class may look like, it can be a hassle making decisions on your own. 

”I think you could have counselors come in and talk about different electives, ”Ferguson said. “I know a lot of people struggle with choosing between so many classes for the upcoming year.”

Both Mundt and Ferguson strive to work towards their career goals. That greatly reflects in their course selections. High school is all about experimentation, so figuring out what classes you like and dislike will ultimately help you determine what career path suits you best.