What do you think about when you see a musical? The performance, the music, what it was about? How about what happens behind the scenes and what the cast is actually like.
The Adams Family is the spring musical going on at PLHS, and the environment and relationships that go on backstage are really something amazing.
The cast of the Adams Family are so close they see each other as a close family.
Leo Mertz is a freshman and plays the role of Pugsley.
“It makes it feel like a home where I can go to these people and tell them about my problems and I’m not going to be judged,” Mertz said. “Just overall a loving group of people,”
The expectation of the Addams family is known as super dark and not loving, but that is not the true vibe of the cast of the Addams Family.
Izzy Davis is a senior and plays the role of Morticia in the musical.
“I’d say it’s very energetic compared to the actual family you would see on stage,” Davis said “We are all very excited.”
All of the cast of the Addams Family is very involved in their work and getting lines memorized and continuing to make progress at every rehearsal. The commitment levels are very mature and high.
“It’s going good especially on lines and honestly it feels like we are the best when we are all joined as one while rehearsing,” Mertz said.
The actors backstage are thrilled with what they are wearing for costumes and all of the makeup and dancing.
“I love the dancing, it’s super fun, being able to not smile on stage is also really fun,” Davis said. “I love the dress, I love being able to try new things with dancing with heels,”
The work ethic in the cast of the Addams Family is very high, everyone is very responsible with getting things done. The expectations are a lot higher than anything else, and it is very student led.
“It’s more important and it’s harder to get into the show,” Mertz said. “but if you put in the effort it works out.”
The seniors of the Addams Family have much respect from the rest of the cast, and they have a lot of responsibility when it comes to the show and theater. Their senior year is definitely very different from any of their other years in theater.
“ Last year we did “Big Fish” and I was in the ensemble it was a lot different than being a lead and having more responsibilities,” Davis said “But I feel like I know my way around more, and I definitely think that I am the person that people look up too to know specific cues and calls.”
As we dove into the behind the scenes of the Addams Family we learned a lot about what the cast is really like behind the acting, makeup, and all of the costumes. The Addams Family cast really is one big family.
Addams Family envoirnment
Alice G, J1 student
March 25, 2024
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About the Contributor

Josephine Tworek, Design Editor
Josephine Tworek is the design editor for the Scepter. She is a senior and this is her second year on staff. When Josephine is not designing, she spends her time with her friends, listening to music, and running. Josephine can’t wait for a great year in Scepter.