Who keeps casting Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart in jungle movies? I understand that they are a funny duo but it’s getting old. Not only them but actors like Timothee Chalamet and Ryan Gosling continuously play the same characters in every movie. It’s about time that producers start getting a little more original with their casting.
Casting the right actors or actresses plays a huge role in making a good movie. While this is true, just because somebody played a good character once does not mean they have to do it again. Everytime a new movie comes out with an overly-confident love interest I can always assume that Glen Powell is acting for it.
Don’t get me wrong, he is a great actor, but he also isn’t the only actor. As much as I enjoy every movie that he or Ryan Gosling is in I feel like there has to be somebody else new out there who could fit the role.
A prime example of this is Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande in “Wicked.” Although they already had some fame in the acting world, they weren’t the go-to actresses. This created a movie that truly felt new and was still good without seeing the face of people’s favorite actors and actresses.
This problem is somehow also prevalent in comedy movies. You’d think it would be easy to keep a variety of funny actors in rotation for comedy movies and yet Jack Black and Will Ferrell keep getting casted. It has quite literally been decades, I think it’s time to switch things up.
Of course it is great to see a conventionally attractive man on the big screens. It makes the movie just that much more enjoyable, but so does a good plotline. It’s time for Timothee Chalamet to step down and let somebody else be the love interest in a sad movie, at least once.