It’s finally the spring, but with that comes your long-awaited AP Exams. You remember taking this class because it sounded like a good idea to receive college credit now rather than later, but you begin to wonder if you’re really ready for the challenge.You have all the notes, videos, and practices, but is there anything more you can do to improve? Is there anything that you are missing?
For many teachers and students alike, AP Exams can be stressful for all sorts of reasons, but a good step to preparing and seeing how well you will do on exams is by reflecting on past work. Grades, not only over the class, but on individual assignments can be helpful to see what to improve on.
“I feel like my grade does reflect my effort and work. My grades show me that I do well in the class, but that I still have room to improve,” Sofia Agee said.
Looking for ways to improve is important to strengthening a person’s understanding, as well as helping fix flaws in our habits or judgement so that we move forward as better students.
While many believe that their grade reflects their effort, not all students do.
“I don’t feel like my work effort and grades always match. It can feel like sometimes I put in more effort than what I receive,” Bedo Escobedo said.
Many students in AP classes genuinely enjoy the classes that they’re in and the material that comes along with it. Although these students put in a lot of time and effort, some worry about AP exams coming up.
“I’m not a hundred percent prepared for the AP exam, so I’ll probably have to study some of the older material,” Agee said.
Students have varying feelings toward exams, and though some feel anxious about upcoming exams, others feel relaxed.
“Yes, nearly every week Mrs. Hubert will show examples and go student by student to make sure they understand what they need to know,” Alexander Ramler said.
Many teachers believe that prospects of this year’s exams are promising with a bit of studying.
“I’m optimistic about this year. I predict that students will score a 4 or 5. I am slightly concerned about the mid-range. If you are a good student but don’t exam prep, you could drop from a three to a two, which doesn’t benefit the student,” Gretta Hubert said.
Although prospects look positive this year based on the majority of students, it’s important to study.
“Keep things in perspective. This is an opportunity to compete academically and to get college credit. It’s nothing more than that. It won’t determine the trajectory of your life. When the clock starts and you are in the examination room, it’s likely that you will feel nervous. Rely on your training. Do what you know how to,” Hubert said.
All year long students practice and build the skills necessary. They put in a lot of work, but sometimes they don’t realize that all that is stopping them — is them.
Big exams, such as the AP exams, make students bound to feel nervous as they want to do well, but this anxiety can make things harder than they seem. Not taking confidence or working with a good mindset can hinder abilities and cause stress. So while many need to improve on a couple things, it’s crucial to feel confidence towards something one dedicated so much effort towards.
A.P. Exams
Allison C., Journalism 1 Student
March 27, 2025