Controlling the Virus

How the PLCS school district is winning the battle against the Corona Virus.


Students in food class stay spread apart while their teacher instructs them.

Schools are starting to look like Whac-a-mole games with Covid-19 cases popping up and schools shutting them down. Across the Omaha Metro schools have been struggling with how to deal with the positive cases. PLCS controls the amount of cases very well and does not allow the dread of Covid-19 to bring down the schools’ morale. The district has a very strict way of taking care of these cases including quarantining and contact tracing.

In the span of the first two weeks of school Sarpy County has attained 437 cases, which leaves many parents and students wondering if they should be in school. Parents are putting their trust in the district to keep their kids safe and Covid free. The PLCS district is making sure they are stopping any way of passing the virus by keeping masks on, spraying desks with sanitizer, keeping hand sanitizer in each room and an elaborate way of contact tracing.

“The district works very close with the health department and are following stict guidelines,” a district staff member said. “Any person that needs to quarantine after exposure would be notified and sent home.”

The district takes cases very seriously while doing everything they can to prevent new ones from popping up. Quarantining is a crucial part to keeping down the spread of virus so the school makes sure everyone that came in contact with the virus is sent home.

“When I first knew I was exposed to the virus I immediately knew I should quarantine until I get tested,” senior Rachel Diehm said. “Although after I tested negative the school called and wanted me to quarantine.”

The district is keeping track of students who test positive for the virus and then go back through their schedule to see who they have made contact with. This method is called contact tracing and it makes sure that students that have the possibility to test positive, or have been exposed are not in school.

“It was hard to continue doing schoolwork,” Diehm said. “Google classroom was not up to date and I had to contact my teachers to ask for assignments.”

Students who got the Corona Virus or were exposed to it earlier in the school year were put at an immediate disadvantage because teachers were still figuring out Google Classroom. Now the school has Google classroom up and running, they have many other precautions for when kids test positive.

“On the days that I was quarantined from school my dad still allowed me to do things, like get out of the house and go get food, so I was not fully quarantined,” Diehm said.

Even though the school keeps the kids away for two weeks, it is still hard to control what they do at home with their families and friends.

“The district is also ensuring our safety by asking students and staff to monitor for symptoms and any changes in health,” the staff member said.

The battle against Covid-19 is not just one fought at school it is also being supported by the parents and students at home making sure everyone is safe.