Down in the Dumps

As fall begins and the weather gets colder, seasonal depression impacts many.

Danae Collver is a news staff writer

Winter and fall. A splendid time of year to cozy up under the covers and stock up on copious amounts of holiday candles. This time of year is no doubt looked forward to by many and it is full of family and fun. But as the weather changes and the radiant, green leaves fade, the mood begins to shift. All around the world a pocket people have uncovered the phenomenon of seasonal depression- A sadness or slump in relation to the colder weather that occurs at the same time every year. 

This disorder creates feelings of deep sadness, hopelessness, tiredness, loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities and overall makes people feel unmotivated. Though seasonal depression can affect any age demographic, teen students may be hit hard with it during the school year.

As the end of the first semester approaches, many students start to feel exhausted and experience burnout in regards to their school work and work ethic. With the added pressure of the weather taking a toll on their mental health, grades begin to decline and months of struggle ensue. Mental health is often pushed aside in order to achieve good grades and seasonal depression disorder needs to be taken into account when providing support for students.

Prioritizing mental health and actively working to improve yourself is crucial as a student so that crashing can be avoided. Surrounding yourself with people who care about you and taking the time to get fresh air can be highly beneficial. Seclusion and succumbing to this difficult disorder may seem like the easy way out, but seeking help and managing this condition can help us all enjoy this wonderful time of year.