Are books really the worst?

Unpopular opinion on how books are better than movies.

The perfect book is always ruined by one thing, making them into movies. Books give you the perfect outlook on entertainment without getting all the bad effects that television has on you. Also, books allow readers to use their imagination. Books also can have so much detail, most movies don’t have production money to put certain scenes in. So just by stating that, books are better than movies.

The movies always forget the most peculiar details. Trying to read a book after the movie is one of the hardest things to understand. The whole time the readers are reading they are trying to find the parts that were in the movie that are  not there. Then we read and watched their favorite book turn into a movie, it seems like the best parts of the book are not even in the movie. This could happen because the scene in the book is too hard to portray on screen or they just don’t have time or are not  necessary to the plot of the movie. 

Books also give the reader the freedom to imagine every single thing in that book for how the book is describing it. From what the characters look like, to what color their front door is. The sad fact is that when it was created into a movie, it ruined this for the readers. The imagination that the reader has in the brain could be completely different than what the movie picks as their cast. Which then ruins the fun for the readers because it can change the whole mood and tone of the book. Then a character can be portrayed differently from what you thought. Most times when books are remade into movies, then the normal gets hated on because it just is not the interpretation of what they think it will be.

Books also give the reader that outlet to forget about the real world for more than just two hours. It gives you the space to be creative and to choose how to interpret situations.