
Photo by Grace Black

Almost every student at PLHS knows about the HOSA organization and how impactful its activities such as the blood drive are. But what about all the people behind this? 


The HOSA organization constantly holds activities to solve health related issues in a community. This is one of the main reasons why this organization has been rapidly expanding and impacting society.


As more people are needed to help, several students at PLHS, mostly juniors, are volunteering to support this organization and significantly contribute to different communities.


“I am a junior,” Junior Sandhra Jose said. “This is my first year in HOSA”.


With HOSA being a health related organization, most students that volunteer at PLHS are interested in the medical field.


“I’m looking into going into nursing,” Junior Ashley Kilduff said. “I joined because I thought it would give me more opportunities to like explore different colleges and different jobs in the medical field”.


Just like Kilduff said, HOSA allows its members to explore different careers in the medical field. For her, having the opportunity to explore and visit different colleges is her favorite memory as a HOSA member.


“The breakout rooms at different colleges in Metro Community College and Norfolk Community College,” Kilduff said. “They were a really fun and cool experience”.


The HOSA organization offers a variety of activities in which students can volunteer for, however, the blood drive is considered to be one of the most relevant ones at PLHS.


“I like to be very involved and I volunteer at the blood drive” Jose said. “I like seeing how many kids are willing to donate blood”.


Besides being very influential in society, the HOSA blood drive is also considered to be inspirational and touching by Kilduff and Jose.


“The last drive I got to talk to many people,” Jose said. “They were very excited about donating, they were so selfless and that was really inspiring to see”.


Thanks to the great opportunities and effects this organization is able to make, students at PLHS are encouraged to join HOSA by Jose.


“Join it. Join it, join it, join it,” Jose said. “By joining HOSA, I met people I would have never met. Being a part of the blood drive is one of our main things in HOSA at school, and doing the blood drive has been super inspiring”.


The HOSA organization is a very impactful and meaningful organization. Its members are able to explore and express their interest in the medical field while being involved in activities that gratefully influence society. Being involved in such an important and supportive organization, is something that its members, like Jose, are very proud of being a part of.