Monarch’s Pass Lockdown


Photo by Izzy Gerharter

As humans, we all need to use the restroom a few times a day, there’s no denying that. And in school it can be difficult to do so, with classes, passes, and teachers asking the dreaded “Well, is it an emergency?”. Going to the bathroom sometimes feels more like a privilege than a right, and with the new pass lockdown in PLHS, it feels like an olympic sport: who can get there first.

With the new pass lockdown in PLHS, it has become harder and harder to use the restroom. People have started their outcry about the unfairness of it, and expressed the difficulties now of leaving the class.

This affects everyone of every grade, from Freshman to Seniors and more, in every aspect of their school life.

“I’m Alexa Scranton, a Sophomore and [the passes] affect me in my day to day school life, I’d have to say,” Sophomore Alex Scranton said. “It isn’t really a small thing.”

Some student’s haven’t felt the effects at all, but for some, their entire period seems to turn, sometimes having to just wait until they go home. 

“It doesn’t affect me much, but I can see it being an issue for a lot of people,” Sophomore Briar Crenshaw said. 

But it hasn’t been smooth sailing for everybody.

“I’m generally always waiting for someone else,” Sophomore Kaden Chavez said. “I could really have to go and they’d still make me wait.”

For the teachers it seems to waver on who does and doesn’t follow the rules, and sometimes when they do, arguments can break out.

“I’ve seen it for sure,” Chavez said. “[Teachers] are more strict and kids don’t like to wait so they fight.”

As for thoughts on the pass lockdown, it changes as well, but it seems most students want their freedom to use the restroom back.

“I think it’s a little overkill and unnecessary,” Crenshaw said. “and is more complicated for people to remember and for the teachers to follow,”

Chavez agreed with Crenshaw.

“They should allow anyone to go to the restroom,” Chavez said.

Safety is a concern, but it sounds like the students think it’s a lot.

“I mean like, I get it like trying to keep safe and stuff,” Scranton said. “But I think it’s just overall unnecessary.”

The students point of view of the future of passes seems grim, and they all seem in agreement that things will only get stricter from here on out.

“It’s gonna get worse because this rule is very new to like all of us,” Scranton said. “And we’re almost near the end of the year.”

As the future of the pass lockdown continues as people say they are, then the students of PLHS better buckle in, for the bathrooms may become more and more inaccessible for the foreseeable future. But if the students are able to get everything under control, then the passes will be let up once and for all.