Accepting the Future

Seniors Julia Campbell and Carly Mahoney have already applied and been accepted into Nebraska colleges.

The dreaded question at every family function; the topic that all seniors avoid when conscientious parents bring it up: college. 

Applications for some universities have already opened this fall, and seniors Julia Campbell and Carly Mahoney have shaken off the typical college dread by applying and being accepted into colleges already.  

Campbell has been accepted into the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Nebraska-Omaha, and Nebraska Wesleyan University, and she feels proactive with her early application.  

“I wanted to get [my applications] done as soon as possible because I knew I would push it off and forget about it,” Campbell said.  

Not only did Campbell apply early since it was on her mind, but she, along with Mahoney, crossed this off their to-do lists to alleviate some of the senior-year stressors.  

“I saw that they were open, so I thought, ‘well, might as well get this out of the way,’” Mahoney said.    

Mahoney applied within the University of Nebraska System, and has been accepted into the Lincoln and Omaha schools.  

“They asked a lot of questions in the application about the classes I have taken and will take,” Mahoney said. “They also asked for my ACT score.”  

Having applied to both public and private universities, Campbell saw a few differences in the applications.  

“The Wesleyan application asked more about what I have done and will do for the community,” Campell said.   

Despite having to answer a lot of questions during a summer night, both Campbell and Mahoney would recommend getting applications done quickly after they open in the beginning of August to any younger students.  

“It’s better to know what your plan is for after school before school even starts,” Campbell said.