PLHS Rearranges Locker Designations


This is a guide to where each grade now has their lockers.

Most returning students were confused and lost when trying to find their new lockers at orientation this school year. The hallways that had held lockers assigned to a single grade for the past few years had been switched up. 

As school policy, every three to four years the locker areas are rearranged, so the grades are placed in different areas of the school. 

“We do this so that different kids end up in different parts of the building, supervised by different teachers during passing periods,” assistant principal John Hubert said. 

This year, a major consideration in where they would be placed was traffic control. The hallways on the west side of the building are a lot bigger than in the rest of the school; they’re about 12 to 13-feet wide, compared to 8 to 10-feet.  

“We attempted to put where we have the most amount of kids at lockers, which is generally freshman and sophomores, in the largest hallways,” Hubert said. 

An additional attempt to help keep the hallways as clear as possible was to limit the number of students who have lockers in the main middle hallway. 

“It’s amazing how much less congestion there is, and how much easier it is to get from one side of the building to the other in both directions,” Hubert said. 

Another new change this year was that juniors and seniors had to request to have a locker.  

“I think it’s smart they had us ask for a locker because a lot of people don’t use it,” senior Mercy Milliken said. 

About half of the upperclassman had asked for a locker; Hubert said the office staff was expecting a slightly lower number, but are still happy with the result.